By-Laws are created as a way to address local issues and concerns. They are adopted to protect the environment, public health and safety, or to maintain an orderly appearance in your community or town.
The Municipal Act requires the Town (through its Council) to exercise its powers by by-law. By-laws are the primary legal instrument of municipalities in Ontario, including the Town of Kirkland Lake.
Town Council make decisions by adopting and amending recommendations contained in reports and during the consideration of motions found on Agendas and/or made during the course of a meeting.
These decisions are confirmed by a confirmatory by-law at the end of each meeting. This ensures that every decision is made by by-law. Some decisions are also the subject of a more specific by-law; these by-laws provide for greater clarity, certainty and ease of reference.
View our listing of Frequently Requested By-Laws
View more by-laws in our Document Centre